2017 admission time and Your Ultimate Guide To Jamb 2017 Admission Process

I know exactly what you are thinking right
now. It is very simple, “When will Jamb
start giving admission to those who wrote
Jamb 2017”? Every University aspirant
would ask such question.
The Jamb admission process has already begun. You may be
wondering, how? The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board
has conducted the 2017 UTME Examination and the results are
being released. This is the first first step for the Jamb 2017


The Jamb results of 2017 candidates are being considered and
the cut off mark decided . This is one of the strongest Jamb
admission factor.
The next thing that will happen is that those using Waec or Neco
awaiting results will be required to upload their results online .
The results, as well as for those who filled their results earlier will
be considered and graded.
After the above processes, various Universities and Polytechnics
across Nigeria will start physical clearance for candidates since
Post Utme has been cancelled.
Jamb Admission Status will be released In September 2017 . This
will be the first batch Admission list for 2017. Jamb will release
several other admission lists with time.

Stay in touch for latest info ..


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