When you add dedication to passion with a little mix of good fortune
you’re most likely to have a success story. Linda Ikeji started
blogging in 2007 to share things that she was interested in with her
readers.. Five years later, www.lindaikeji.blogspot.com has grown
to be one of the most visited sites in the country. As a regular
source for news, entertainment, celebrity gist, gossip and many
more, her blog continues to attract thousands of visitors daily. In
this exclusive interview with Adeola Adeyemo , Linda shares her
journey into the world of blogging and what makes her stand out.

There aren’t many people as open minded and down to earth as
Linda Ikeji. Any frequent visitor of her blog would know that. She
has very little to hide and she is not the least bit pretentious . With
Linda, what you see is what you get and a frequent visitor of her
blog knows that she is single and searching. Dedicated “LIB
Readers” know that she makes an enviable income from her blog
and saved money to buy her dream car- a 2008 Toyota Camry in
four months.
This openness about her coupled with her clever and quick way of
bringing people news, information, jokes, pictures and many more
from around the world on her blog has earned her the reputation as
one of Nigeria’s favorite bloggers. Her blog gets over 50,000 visits
daily and is a hotspot for online advertisers and people wishing to
attract web traffic to their websites or blogs. Comments  on Linda’s
blog can be revealing, interesting and more controversial than the
post itself. As one reader wrote “I visit this blog everyday just to
read comments”
I caught up with Linda recently and we had a very interesting chat.
Linda is friendly and easy going and I had the best laugh I’ve had in
a long time.

discover blogging?

When I was much younger, I wanted to be a journalist. That was my
dream. When I was about 10 years old, I was already writing. I
wrote a few fiction stories in my notebooks and I gave a few people
and they read and they thought I was a good writer. I used to really
enjoy watching newscasters, people doing interviews, I used to look
up to them so when I was about to go into the University, I put in
for Mass Communication but I didn’t get that course, I got English.
So when I finished school, and I had become a model and people
knew me as a model, it was very difficult for me to go back to back
to being a journalist so I just moved on from there. But then I
discovered blogging in 2006. Incidentally, it was through
www.bellanaija.blogspot.com . That was the first time I ever saw a
blog. I didn’t know what blogging was before then, I had never
heard about it until somebody referred me to Bella’s site to go and
see something she wrote about me, so I went there, I saw the story,
I saw the comments and I liked what I saw.

What was the blog post about?

I can’t remember but it was something about me as a Nigerian
based model.

So what really inspired you to start your own blog?

From then, I started reading her blog and one day I said to myself, I
can actually live my dream, put stories together, tell people what is
going on, so I created the blog that year. I created the blog in 2006
but I really started blogging early 2007.

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